What’s the process for assessing goals and initiatives?

The principal and appraiser should meet formally to discuss progress toward goal attainment. However, formative assessment may take place throughout the year when the appraiser visits the campus or meets with the principal informally.

During the Mid-year Progress Meeting, the appraiser should indicate whether the principal is progressing or not progressing toward attainment and include a narrative of evidence of progress and/or revise the plan if necessary. The appraiser should use the “Progress toward Goal Attainment Form” to include any relevant feedback and comments that will assist the principal and promote growth.

During the End-of- Year Performance Discussion, the principal and appraiser should meet to discuss final ratings and review goals. The appraiser should use the “End-of- Year Goal Attainment Form” to indicate whether the principal achieved or did not achieve the established goals and provide a narrative of evidence that supports the determination. Relevant feedback and comments articulated during this conference should assist the principal in identifying areas for improvement and should promote growth in practice.

T-PESS seeks to establish with this process that:

  • Professional development is an ongoing process for all principals regardless of their level of proficiency
  • Development isn’t isolated in single-year snapshots of performance but is continuous and consistently building off prior efforts and attention
  • Principals have a say in and monitor their own goals and growth throughout the year, with appraisers seeking to provide the support that principals need to achieve their goals